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Monthly Archives: June 2015

What I’ve Been Reading

Some of the books I’ve read for the Summer Reading program at the library.

P.S. I won a gift card this week.


A ten year Ana lives in Zagreb and has the typical life of a child. It is 1991. But war breaks out and her life changes.  Told between different times in Ana’s life, starting off at ten then going ten years later then back to ten years old and then aging ten years, you see what war in Croatia was like.

This was a hard book to read but a necessary read.  I felt it needed a little something more.  This is a relevant read because this war was covered in the news and the US was involved but many atrocities happened that are still affecting lives. 

A definite recommend


A history of the French view of fat.  Originally a French work, it was translated into English.  It is an academic read.  Could use a little work, clarification.  Overall, a decent read if a bit dry.

A recommend


A how to guide on accepting your fat body.  Two fat women give good advice on how to treat yourselves and others while learning to ignore the stupid evil diet industry that wants you to hate yourself and your body so that they can make money. There is no dieting but you should find a form of exercise or movement that you enjoy

A definite recommend


A bit similar to The Obesity Myth this book covers some of the same material but also covers different items.  He does review many alleged causes of “obesity ” and disproves them.

A definite recommend

New Rating System

Since I have to keep looking up my own system, I’m revamping it.

So it goes:

A definite recommend
A recommend
A recommend, with reservations
No recommendation

A definite recommend is a book I think everyone should read and that I really liked.

A recommend is a book that was good but not great and can only suggest others might think about reading it.

A recommend with reservations is a book that I think has issues and/or problems and that any potential reader should be aware of these before reading but there is still something useful in the book.

No recommendation is where a book isn’t a good book at all and I wouldn’t recommend it it to anyone

Review: Graceling


Katsa has the Grace of killing and is used by her abusive uncle as a thug.  But then a man shows up with the same Grace and things start happening. 

Actually, they don’t. Pretty predictable really. Not much of a read.  I read about half way in before just skimming through the rest.  It was girl meets boy, hates boy so they really must love each other kind of book.  Yeah, no.  The world building needed some work.  The characters as well.

No recommendation

The Library Made Me Do: Summer Reading

Yes, it’s that time of year again.  Summer reading program is upon us.  This year’s theme is “Reading Heroes”.

So I will be posting books I’ve read for the program.  This is the card this year.  No specific genres so different this year.


Yes, I already have to spots filled in.  And yes, Forest Grove City Library in Forest Grove, OR is my library.  Many awesome ninja librarians work there. Yes, they really are awesome and totally ninja.

So get reading.

What I’ve Been Reading

I’m a little behind here, I know.  Issues with my previous phone, life, and other things took precedent.  So here’s a list of what I’ve been reading.

Campos, Paul. (2004) The Obesity Myth.
-Review is on my other blog
-A definite recommend

Adams, Douglas. (1979) The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
-Decent read, just not my cup of tea
Just remember the meaning of life, the universe, and everything is 42. Read or don’t read, it’s up to you.

Pierce, Tamora. Trickster’s Choice.
-Okay.  Needed more character development.  Main character was too much of a Mary Sue i.e. too perfect.

Harper, Steven. The Doomsday Vault.
-Main character was too uptight and unsympathetic.  Felt like it was an attempt to turn Jane Austin into steampunk.

Resnick, Mike. The Buntline Special.
-Steampunk fun. Yes, there is a zombie but he reads Greek and Latin and has sex with mechanical prostitutes. So a recommend.

Locke, Thomas. Emissary.
-Pen name for a guy who writes Christian fiction.  Still can’t write well. Characters flat, no real plot.

Wann, Marilyn. Fat!So?
-One of the best books on fat acceptance out there.  Recommended by one of the librarians. Awesome read.  A most definite recommend.

Mulgrew, Kate. (2015) Born With Teeth.
-Captain Janeway wrote her memoir.  It kind of took the shine off things for me but still a good read.  Not a typical memoir but a good read.  A recommend.

Haldane, Sean. The Devil’s Making.
-Historical fiction and murder mystery in 1868-1869 British Columbia.  Haldane doesn’t go for politically correct so you get the prejudices, racism, and sexism of the time. A definite recommend l.

Petrushevskaya, Ludmilla. There Once Lived a Mother Who Loved Her Children, Until They Moved Back In.
-Russian short stories that take place under Communist rule but told from the point of view of families. A recommend.

Eltahawy, Mona. (2015) Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution.
-I don’t agree with everything she writes but still a good look from someone who has actually lived in the Middle East. A recommend.

Just a few of the books of read in the last month or so though I didn’t include ones I wouldn’t recommend at all.  If I don’t offer a recommend in the summary above then I don’t recommend reading that book.  But that’s my opinion.