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Monthly Archives: August 2015

This And That

Some of the books I’ve been reading over the last two months.


Rabbits. This is not a fantasy novel.  This a book about rabbits who have to leave their home and they journey they take to find a new one.  Along the way you see the natural leadership of one, the support and creativity of others.  But there are dangers and come from unexpected places.

A recommend


Teenagers.  And a murder mystery.  But mostly teenagers trying to be adults and still being teenagers all while being emancipated.

A recommend with reservations


A history of paleoanthropology.  Just a plain awesome read partly in my field.  I need to read some of his early books.  But a very good read and history on human evolution and paleoanthropology. Think you know the differences between this hominid and that one? And Neanderthal was a cannibal?  Say what?

A definite recommend


A quick read about failure and imagination.

A definite recommend


Want to understand the crisis in Greece and why it can’t be easily fixed? Interested in how Greece got into the financial situation it is currently in? Then I suggest you read this book but don’t expect a lot of answers.  It does give some answers but mostly covers the current reality and situation in Greece especially in regards to politics and immigration. 

A definite recommend


Ever wanted to learn how economics applies to such wonders as your love life and Australian football? (Which I still don’t understand but it doesn’t distract from the writing. Confusing but not distracting.)  This is the book. An easy and entertaining read on the economics of just about everything that will make you feel smarter for reading it and relieved you didn’t have to take a test on it.

A definite recommend