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Monthly Archives: December 2015

Long Time

Sorry for not posting for so long. I didn’t realize that it had been that long.

I’ve been in a reading slump the last few months. I’ve read books but nothing has been really amazing, nothing has grabbed me. Here are a few of the books I’ve been reading. I plan on doing a Random List of books/Top Ten kind of post this week before the New Year.


Not a bad read but there could be more background story. Actually, more story would be good. The characters need a bit more fleshing out.

A recommend


Anthropology nerd alert. While not massively amazing, this was definitely an excellent read on one of my favorite topics. I knew about Lindow Man (even saw him at the British Musuem back in 2003) but reading about other bog bodies and everything surrounding them was great.

A definite recommend


Sherlock Holmes’ older brother.  Not a bad read. Engaging enough. Certainly wanted more story but still a good historical fiction even with fictional characters.  The characters are certainly interesting and I like historical fiction set in England during this period.

A recommend


A liberal education is important but the author does not make a good case for it. His support is weak and could be more in depth. 

I do appreciate that he points out that having a degree in the humanities does not make one stupid or less than and that STEM fields need fields like Anthropology, Sociology, etc. to thrive. STEM fields are not everything and people should not feel bad for not majoring or specializing in those fields. You can be smart and successful in Anthropology or Psychology or English or Art. Science isn’t everything.

No recommendation