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The Body Keeps the Score : A Review



Trauma is not impactless.  We know it affects the brain but it affects the body too. 

This book covers the science of trauma, how it effects us, and several methods of treatment.  Trauma is stored in our bodies, affecting us in myriad ways and continued to hurt us after the initial trauma is over.  Van der Kolk has spent the last several decades studying trauma and how it affects people.  This book covers his work but also is a means of support and help for those who are dealing with trauma, have dealt with trauma, or want to help those with trauma.

A definite recommend

1 Comment

  1. Trauma sucks and it forever changes our health, mind, body and soul but with prayer and hard work we can recover. I know as I have survived a semi-truck accident leaving me with 3 large screws in my pelvis.


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